Medicare Q&A


As an employer, can your HR department answer these questions?

If you or your team can’t answer these questions, we can! Ease the burden on your staff by allowing us to provide Medicare plan support for your employees.

­­­­­­­­­ What exactly does Medicare cover?


If I am a small employer (under 20 employees), do I need to advise my employees and/or dependents about Medicare? 


If I am a large employer (over 20 employees), do I need to advise my employees and/or dependents about Medicare?


When is Medicare the primary coverage and when is it secondary?


How much will Medicare Part B cost and how many months do I have to enroll and is there a late enrollment penalty?


Is COBRA or CALCOBRA considered credible coverage for Medicare employees and/or dependents?


Can an employer pay for Part B premiums?


Do my employees know all of their Medicare options?


Should I offer the Medicare informational meetings to all my employees?


Our licensed, trained, and certified Healthcare Specialists represent most major Medicare Advantage & Supplement plans. We help your employees understand all of their Medicare options at NO COST to you or them.